Displaying 1 Result

ID Number:    20150454
Program:    ADOPT
Pages:   6
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Title:    Evaluation of intercropped RR corn and soybean for grain and forage.
The project will demonstrate the potential for intercropping soybean and corn for grazing and silage utilization. It will compare costs and productivity of monocropped and intercropped corn for forage use.

Abstracts for project:  
Corn and soybean were grown in an intercrop for forage and compared with a corn monocrop. The corn monocrop had 50 lb/ac more N applied than the intercrop. Corn intercrops were less productive in terms of biomass than corn monocrop but this may have been predominantly a nitrogen deficiency problem. The trial was toured by grain and livestock producers twice and was featured on the front page of the Carlyle Observer.